by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on the power in the rocks and stones of Mother Earth… The Shaman communicates with all creatures – stones, animals, or plants – because of respect. In the communication process respect is a key ingredient, which influences the...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on symptoms and situations of soul loss and the shamanic healing ceremony to return what was lost… Sandra Ingerman has written an excellent book on the topic Soul Retrieval – Mending the Fragmented Self. I will also comment on my personal...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on Shamanism… Shamanism is ageless and it provided healing before time and shall do so again in the future, though often times it has been hidden from mainstream society generally because of its earthliness. Shamanism bridges the gap between duality...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on his becoming and Shaman and the Shaman’s Ladder… To say I have been always a ‘willing’ participant in my studies and practices of Shamanism would be quite an exaggeration. Though I have felt a strong connection with the topic,...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on forgiveness and trust… There are perhaps countless methods or processes to heal. In the article “Why We Cling to Our Wounds”, Dr Caroline Myss offers her own intuitive awareness on this subject, which I am going to expand upon. Healing...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on PLT… What is Past Life Therapy (PLT)? PLT is an experiential form of counseling. Basically, it involves the client re-experiencing unconscious memories and interrogating those rediscovered feelings, thoughts, and events into the here and now. The...