by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on Neoshamanism… This article is to dispel the myth that the practices of Shamanism of 2000 AD are the same as the tribal practices of anciet history. They are not. In fact, Shamanism as a spiritual healing and enlightenment tool was almost forgotten...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Paul's Blog
Paul Sivert dedicates this entry to my fellow retreatants at Omega, especially Jim, Teresa, and Beltina; may your faith in prayer carry you to the light you seek and deserve, and especially to our teacher, Ed Zogby. Insecurity and violence end when we experience an...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Paul's Blog
Paul Sivert on Shamanic Journeying… In preparation for a workshop, I did a shamanic journey to receive pertinent information, either content or process. It is part of the preparation process that I was completing. The workshop was educational and experimental,...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 7, 2018 | Paul's Blog
Paul Sivert on Shamanic Journeying… The Shamanic journey is the most important prevalent technique of the Shaman. In fact, one of the definitions of Shaman is the ability to journey. Basically, a shamanic journey is a willful shift of consciousness to another...
by ChakanaSHI | Mar 6, 2018 | Reference
Paul Sivert on psychopomp… When I took a training program concerning Shamanism and Death, I learned about a technique called psychpomp. The objective of this procedure is to locate a stranded spirit and take that spirit to a better place in the realms of death....