Shamanic Healing Services
What to Expect
Spiritual Healing and Guidance
The Shamanic Practitioner utilizes healing ceremony and selects the most appropriate energy medicine techniques. The Shamanic Practitioners at SHI are gifted in their connection to Spirit. They develop strong relationships with their spirit guides, which are the source of healing energy. In addition, SHI Practitioners acquire many sacred healing ceremonies and rituals to facilitate the elimination of dis-ease and restore harmony and integrity to the client’s mind, body, and soul. They are experienced in shamanic journey to many landscapes of the Spirit Worlds.
A typical session includes a brief interview or assessment of the client’s current concern or issue. With the aid of their Spirit Guides, the Shamanic Practitioner determines the source of dissonance. At SHI the four primary soul issues are: interfering energy, loss of power, loss of soul, and ancestral wounds. The Practitioner then selects the Healing Ceremony/ies to gift Truth, Wisdom, and Love back to the client’s soul. Sessions conclude with further direction to the client and a blessing to complete the healing.
SHI encourages you to develop a personal working relationship with your chosen Practitioner. If a ceremony is called for that your Practitioner is not familiar with or may not be comfortable performing alone, another Practitioner may be invited – with the client’s permission – to provide support during a session.

The Shaman’s Altar